California Represented in 2015 Beef Leaders Institute

Taylor Hillman Cattle

…experiences in the livestock and beef industry. Through his involvement with his collegiate livestock judging team, he is educated in the process of selecting the superior cattle. Beyond college, Fischer…

Editorial: Country of Origin Labeling

Taylor Hillman Cattle

…released congressionally mandated study, the USDA estimated it would cost approximately $2.6 billion for the livestock and meat industry to comply with COOL rules. These rules required livestock from outside…

Legislation Introduced in House to Repeal COOL

Taylor Hillman Cattle

…introduced in the 2002 Farm Bill covering beef, pork and chicken; and implemented in 2008, COOL has been detrimental to the U.S. livestock industry and without benefit to U.S. consumers….

Cricket: It’s What’s For Dinner

Taylor Hillman General

It’s been a refrain for years now: Cows, the most popular livestock in the U.S., need far too many natural resources (water, food, land) to produce each pound of edible…

Lowest Fed Cattle Marketing in March and Why

Taylor Hillman Cattle

USDA livestock analyst Shayle Shagam looks at why marketings of fed cattle were the lowest for March since the Cattle on Feed report series began in 1996. Lowest Fed Cattle…