Agri View: Dining Out

DanAgri View, General

…services rose to a new high of nearly $1,900 a person last year, surpassing the previous peak during the housing bubble in 2006 and far above the $1,650 a person…

Lower Cost for Refinancing Rural Housing

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…standards. These refinanced loans, like all USDA Rural Development housing loans, meet rigorous underwriting standards and are made only to qualified borrowers. The Department of Housing and Urban Development and…

Almond Update: EQIP Program

Taylor HillmanAlmond Update, Specialty Crops

…almond and walnut growers who adopt harvest equipment shown to reduce particulate matter (dust). Eligible equipment is limited to specific harvesters proven through peer-reviewed demonstration trials at Texas A&M to…

Therapy for Veterans

DanGeneral, This Land of Ours

…are actively planning sustainable agriculture projects including the raising and preserving of the threatened Navajo Churro sheep and gardens that will feed veterans receiving care at the ranch. Supportive housing

Home-Made Fertilizer

DanGeneral, This Land of Ours

…young and old how to maintain their kitchen gardens and how to help their kitchen gardens provide a bountiful harvest of healthy, delicious and really fun to grow (and eat)…

Loans for Farm Storage-Handling Equipment


…access to commercial storage or on-farm storage after harvest. These producers can invest in equipment like conveyers, scales or refrigeration units and trucks that can store commodities before delivering them…

National Grasslands

DanEnvironment, Industry News Release

the Edge publication estimates that 21 million acres of private rural lands near national forests and grasslands will experience substantial housing density increases by 2030. For almost 80 years, the