Brussels Sprouts Gaining Popularity

Taylor HillmanGeneral

Brussels sprouts are making a comeback in California.It’s harvest season along the Northern coast and Bay Area. Sabrina Hill has more. Click to Open or Download Audio Report For years,…

Record Pistachio Harvest

Taylor HillmanGeneral, Tree, nut & vine crops

The pistachio harvest has wrapped up, and while it’s not quite as good as predicted, growers in California and three other states are still expecting a record crop. The crop…

California Chestnut Harvest

Taylor HillmanGeneral

They’re a holiday tradition for many families. Sabrina Hill gives us an update on the chestnut harvest. Click to Open or Download Audio Report…

New Ant Control for Growers

DanCitrus, General, Tree, nut & vine crops

During the 38th Annual California Association of Pest Control Advisors (CAPCA) convention, BASF announced the availability of Altrevin™ fire ant bait insecticide. Recently registered for almond and citrus growers, Altrevin…

CDFA Explains Milk Pricing

DanCattle, General

Milk and dairy products are the leading commodity group in California agriculture, with a value of more than $7.6 billion in 2011. This level of output establishes California as the…