Agri View: Troubled Ocean Waters

DanAgri View, Environment

…Sanctuaries Act, which also implements the London Convention. London Convention and London Protocol The London Convention and London Protocol establish the global rules and standards for preventing, reducing, and controlling…

Food Waste Research

DanEnvironment, This Land of Ours

…production and consumption. A wide array of voices from across the food chain applauded the announcement of the first national standards for food waste reduction. Here’s what they had to…

Lower Cost for Refinancing Rural Housing

Taylor HillmanGeneral

standards. These refinanced loans, like all USDA Rural Development housing loans, meet rigorous underwriting standards and are made only to qualified borrowers. The Department of Housing and Urban Development and…

New Regulations for Groundwater Management

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…Sustainability Agencies or Local Agencies. The regulations cover such provisions as technical and reporting standards, sustainable management criteria, monitoring, evaluation and assessment, and plan amendments. The proposed GSP regulations are…