Siskiyou Co. Farm Bureau Wins Lawsuit

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…permits from farmers who were diverting portions of stream flows for irrigation. It was filed on behalf of farm bureau members who irrigate two rivers in that area, the Shasta…

Another Drop for Cotton

Taylor HillmanCotton, General

California cotton farmers may be seeing less pay in 2013. Sabrina Hill reports. Click to Open or Download Audio Report In fact, cotton producers nation-wide are expected to reduce cotton…

Unique Museum in Southern California

Taylor HillmanGeneral

Southern California farmers used to grow bananas many years ago. But a lot has changed. Now, the only state still growing the yellow fruit for commercial sale is Hawaii. Yet…

CA Farm Bureau Scholarships Available

Taylor HillmanGeneral

Another scholarship opportunity for students planning to pursue careers as farmers, ranchers or in other agricultural occupations. Sabrina Hill has details. Click to Open or Download Audio Report Students can…

Ag Groups Respond to Farm Bill Extension

Taylor HillmanGeneral

dairy farmers. While the nine-month extension of the current farm policy did prevent the so-called “dairy cliff”, it does not include the Dairy Security Act, which was included in the…

Trying To Predict the Future of Ag

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…the worst drought since the ‘30’s, driving production of many crops in the nation down, and driving up prices for those crops. That effected dairy, egg and livestock ranchers here…