Western Growers To Tell Consumers About Ag


…an example of the infographic here. This is another way Western Growers communicates the challenges and benefits of farming to those who may have forgotten where their food comes from….

Good Year for Christmas Tree Harvest

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…the earth than artificial trees. Click to Open or Download Audio Report About 98 percent of Christmas trees sold are grown on farms, and most of the crop in California…

Agriculture Needs Science, Study Says

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…agriculture. The report finds globally, about have or more of all private investment in food and agricultural research and development has been devoted to food manufacturing – not areas that…

Former Ag Secretaries Speak at Meeting

Taylor HillmanGeneral

food stamps and school food programs 14. Bergland on food stamps and minimum wage 15. Block on Obama and the EPA 16. Bergland on EPA and environmental regulations 17. Block…

Two Wine Festivals This Weekend

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…Journey . This event is free and will also feature signature wines and craft beers, vendors, music and food. The Fresno County Fall Harvest Wine Journey is November 10 and…

Record Pistachio Harvest

Taylor HillmanGeneral, Tree, nut & vine crops

…are grown in California. Pistachios have seen a rise in sales as well, thanks partially to a couple of studies that have highlighted the health benefits of the nuts. Sabrina…

Strong Fig Harvest

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…in fig acreage in coming years. Fig planting had been on a decline in previous years, but the crop is coming back. Most of California’s figs are grown in the…

Ag News Roundup


Sabrina Hill reports that California is big on Organic Food Purchase, and other news. Click to Open or Download Audio Report…

Free Food Safety Workshop

Taylor HillmanIndustry News Release

California Department of Food and Ag will host a series of free Food Safety and Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) trainings for small farms. The Fresno area workshop will be held…