Maple Syrup and Brain Health

DanGeneral, Sugar, This Land of Ours

…may be the key ingredient. Phenolic compounds found in plants have antioxidant effects, which enable them to capture harmful free radicals before they cause serious damage to cells. Resveratrol is…

Farmers Discuss Issues at State Capitol

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…generation contracts between biomass plants and utilities are expiring, and plants are shutting down. “In Tuolumne County, we’re lucky we have an operating biomass plant, at least for now,” Crook…

Agri View: Bee Gone

DanAgri View, General

…magic because of a lack of diversity in plant vegetation throughout the year. Thus, the almond fields of California need more types of crops planted that will attract bees year-round….

Today is National Ag Day

DanGeneral, This Land of Ours

…Corn Poppin’ Facts Popcorn pops because water is stored in a small circle of soft starch in each kernel. As the kernel is heated, the water heats, the droplet of…

Grain Bin Safety

DanIndustry Videos-Promoting Agriculture

…nominate your fire department , go to Fast Facts-Grain Handling Safety Coalition (.pdf) Grain-Safety info sheet (.pdf) Head to Toe Grain Safety (.pdf) Safe Storage and Handling of Grain…

Agri View: Avian Flu…Again?

DanAgri View, Poultry

Everett Griner talks about a new case of Avian Flu in today’s Agri View. Avian Flu…Again? From USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection…