Sequester: Impacts on Meat and Poultry

Taylor HillmanGeneral

The Agriculture Secretary is looking at the possible impacts the sequester could have on meat and poultry supplies and on consumer prices. Susan Carter reports. Click to Open or Download

Farm Bureau Urges New Ag Labor Program

Taylor HillmanGeneral

The American Farm Bureau Federation talks to congress about a new ag labor guest-worker program. Sabrina Hill reports. Click to Open or Download Audio Report American Farm Bureau Federation President…

Honey Bees a Hot Topic at Bayer Forum

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…a top subject at a national ag conference happening this week in Florida. AgNet West’s Gary Cooper is on location and has more. Click to Open or Download Audio Report…

New License Plate Supports Agriculture

Taylor HillmanGeneral

Download Audio Report The California Agriculture license plate will be hitting the roads starting tomorrow. The plate has a design of the sun rising over green row crops, and has…

Ag Secretary Says Sequester a Bad Idea

Taylor HillmanGeneral

The Agriculture Secretary has been talking to several major media outlets about the sequester and what a bad idea it is. Gary Crawford reports. Click to Open or Download Audio…

USDA Spring Planting Intentions Report

Taylor HillmanGeneral

planting intentions on March 28th, but the data in that report will come from farmers over the next two weeks. Gary Crawford reports. Click to Open or Download Audio Report…

Deadlines Near for Crop Insurance Policies

Taylor HillmanGeneral

February 28 and March 15 are the latest deadlines for producers to sign up for, or modify their existing, crop insurance policies. Rod Bain reports. Click to Open or Download

10-Year Outlook for Dairies

Taylor HillmanCattle, Dairy & Livestock

…last year and now the USDA says the nation’s dairy operators could face some big challenges over the next decade. Gary Crawford reports. Click to Open or Download Audio Report…

Better Safety Rating for U.S. Beef

Taylor HillmanCattle

U.S. beef could soon have a better safety rating. Sabrina Hill has more. Click to Open or Download Audio Report The Scientific Commission for the World Organization for Animal Health…

Risk Management Strategies for Farmers

Taylor HillmanGeneral

An ag industry leader says producers can protect themselves by building in risk management strategies in their operations. Rod Bain reports. Click to Open or Download Audio Report…