Plans May Change for Hog Producers

Taylor HillmanCattle, General

…sows farrow over the next six months, but the new USDA corn stocks and plantings reports may change those plans. Gary Crawford reports. Click to open or download audio report….

USDA Planting Report

Taylor HillmanGeneral

The USDA’s Prospective Plantings and Grain Stocks reports are out. Rod Bain gives us a quick look at some of the highlights. Click to open or download audio report….

Wenger Says Nitrates a Big Issue for 2013

Taylor HillmanGeneral

California Farm Bureau President Paul Wenger says nitrates are a top concern for California growers this year. Sabrina Hill reports. Click to open or download audio report. AgNet West caught…

USDA March Prices Report

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…shows, on average, both crops and livestock products selling for more than last year, but there are some exceptions. Gary Crawford has more. Click to open or download audio report….

Wenger Says Not to Let Up on Legislators

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…to open or download audio report. California Farm Bureau President Paul Wenger spoke at the Outlook 2013 Conference held by the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. He…

Beef Prices to go Up

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…smallest amount of cattle in the last 17 years. Consumers can expect that to be reflected at the grocery story. Gary Crawford reports. Click to open or download audio report….