Budget Cuts and Trend Forecasts

Taylor HillmanCattle, General

Budget cuts and cancelled reports leave livestock analysts with fewer clues to forecast future trends. Gary Crawford has more. Click to open or download audio report…

Demand for Pork Rising in China

Taylor HillmanGeneral

Demand for pork in China is growing and one analyst says that’s the main reason for China’s bid to buy Smithfield. Gary Crawford has details. Click to open or download

Changes to USDA Insurance

Taylor HillmanGeneral

USDA is combining some of its Area Risk Protection Insurance offerings for the upcoming crop year. Rod Bain reports. Click to open or download audio report…

Produce Safety Topic of Farm Forum

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…from around the state are invited to learn more about food safety at the the Fresno Grizzlies Community Fund’s “Farm Forum” this week. The topic is “Produce Safety: How Safe…