Ross on Farms and Food Banks

Taylor HillmanGeneral

California Agriculture Secretary, Karen Ross, says California farms can help fill the shelves at food banks. She co-penned an opinion-editorial for the Monterey County Herald, along with Sue Sigler, that…

Family Farm Wins Against Development

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…is known for its peach, prune and walnut orchards. The 96‐acre Pamma‐Larkin property is home to five different types of peaches: Stanislaus, Bowen, Andross, Arakelian and Late Ross. Harvested peaches…

Funding for Fairs to be Discussed

Taylor HillmanGeneral

…CDFA Secretary Karen Ross calls California’s fairs “an integral part of this state’s agricultural heritage.” However, in 2011, funding for California’s fairs was eliminated as part of the state’s budgetary…