NMPF Board Adopts Resolution

DanDairy & Livestock, Industry News Release

…Chairman of NMPF and a dairy farmer from Rogersville, Missouri. “Farmers have overwhelmingly adopted these crop technologies because they increase productivity while enhancing agricultural sustainability.” NMPF’s Board of Directors, and…

Many Still Pondering Low Water Allocations

Taylor HillmanDrought, Water

…another few years. Essentially they are consolidating their resources around the highest-valued crops. Although that makes sense, it does reduce the productivity in other fruits and vegetables, and if you…

Agri View: Weather Losses

DanAgri View, Weather

…plays in rural and national social and economic systems (Figure 6.2). Climate change has the potential to both positively and negatively affect the location, timing, and productivity of crop, livestock,…

Agri View: Foreign Vegetables

DanAgri View, Vegetables

…would cause the topsoil to wash away at a non-sustainable rate, ultimately destroying the productivity of the land. Exploiting low wages (Read more) USDA Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Manual (.pdf)…