Pacific Regional Crop Production Report

Taylor HillmanGeneral

The USDA-NASS Pacific Regional Field Office today released the crop production forecasts that reflect conditions as of January 1. The latest survey, conducted during the last week of December 2014 and the first week of January 2015, included the following commodities:

Cotton – American Pima production is estimated at 520,000 bales for 2014, down 15 percent from 2013. Harvested acreage is estimated at 154,000 acres. The resulting yield is 1,621 pounds per acre. Upland production is estimated at 235,000 bales, down 29 percent from last year. Harvested acreage is estimated at 56,000 acres. The yield calculates to 2,014 pounds per acre. As of January, cotton harvest was finished. Harvested fields were shredded and disked.

Oranges – The 2014 – 2015 California Navel orange forecast is 80.0 million cartons, down 1 percent from the October forecast, but up 3 percent from last season’s crop. The 2014-15 navel orange harvest began in late October. The 2014-2015 Valencia orange forecast is 20.0 million cartons, down 9 percent from both the 2013-2014 crop, but the same as the October forecast.

Lemons – The 2014 – 2015 California lemon forecast is 40.0 million cartons, up 5 percent from the October forecast and up 5 percent from last season’s final production. In California, lemon harvest was well underway with reported rain during December having a positive impact on the crop development.

Tangerines – The 2014 – 2015 California tangerine forecast (including mandarins and tangelos) is 31.0 million cartons. Production is up 7 percent from last season’s crop, but down 3 percent from the October forecast. In California, the Satsuma harvest is complete.

Grapefruit – The 2014 – 2015 California grapefruit forecast is 8.0 million cartons, unchanged from both the October forecast and from last season’s crop.

Production forecasts are released on a monthly basis and do not reflect final production estimates. The next production forecast will be issued February 10, 2015.