Pacific Region Crop Production Report

Taylor HillmanFruits & Vegetables, Tree, nut & vine crops, Vegetables

California agriculture update
The USDA, NASS, Pacific Regional Office today released the crop production report for July. The latest survey, which was conducted during the last week of June and the first week of July, includes the following commodities:

Almonds – California’s 2015 almond production is forecast at 1.80 billion meat pounds, down 3 percent from May’s subjective forecast and down 4 percent from last year’s crop. The forecast is based on 890 thousand bearing acres. Production for the Nonpareil variety is forecast at 670 million meat pounds, down 6 percent from last year’s deliveries. The Nonpareil variety represents 37 percent of California’s total almond production.

Apricots – California’s 2015 apricot production is forecast at 45.0 thousand tons. The California crop represents 85 percent of the total United States production. Apricot harvest began in early May. The early season varieties are reported to be lighter than normal.

Oranges – The 2014-2015 California Navel orange forecast is 79.0 million cartons (1.58 million tons), down 1 percent from the previous forecast but up 2 percent from last season’s final utilization. Late navel orange harvest was finished early in June. The 2014-2015 California Valencia orange forecast is 19.0 million cartons (380,000 tons), down 5 percent from the previous forecast and down 11 percent from last season’s final utilization. The Valencia orange harvest is ongoing with exports continuing to Asian and domestic markets.

Lemons – The 2014 2015 California lemon forecast is 40.0 million cartons, unchanged from the April forecast, but up 6 percent from last season. The lemon harvest is almost 85 percent complete.

Grapefruit – The 2014 2015 California grapefruit forecast is 7.60 million cartons, unchanged from the April forecast, but down 1 percent from last season’s crop. The red grapefruit harvest started and continued throughout the month.

Tangerines – The 2014 2015 tangerine forecast is 32.0 million cartons, unchanged from the April forecast but up 9 percent from last season.

Other Crops – Barley production is forecast at 42.0 thousand tons, down 4 percent from the previous year. Oat production is forecast at 14.4 thousand tons, 10 percent below 2014 production. Wheat other than Durum production is expected to total 371 thousand tons, down 14 percent from 2014. Durum wheat production is forecast at 189 thousand tons, up from the 79 thousand tons in 2014 production.

Production forecasts are released on a monthly basis and do not reflect final production estimates. Late summer and fall harvests may change these estimates considerably. The next production forecast will be issued August 12, 2015.