
Online Retailer Helps Grow Gardens

DanThis Land of Ours, Vegetables

onlineCathy Isom fills us in about how a major online retailer wants to help grow your garden. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Online Retailer Helps Grow Gardens

Amazon has plans to help keep your garden growing. The tech company recently received a patent for a new service that would allow users upload photos of there vegetable gardens. In turn, Amazon would give specific information and recipes for the veggies that are planted, recommend gardening tools to use and also give advice e what else to plant nearby including exactly where in your plot it would be best planted.

The garden service – as the company bills it in its patent – algorithms and image recognition software to make the recommendations. Additionally, the service will be able to identify any growing impediments—a tree that’s shading a section of the garden, for instance—and make recommendations for plants that do well under those conditions (for the hypothetical shady garden plot, Amazon suggests a wild ginger plant) that users could buy from the site. No word yet on when we can expect Amazon’s garden service to be ready to be up and running.

I’m Cathy Isom…