mann packing

Mann Packing Removing Non-GMO Label

DanGenetically Modified, Industry News Release

mann packingMann Packing will remove the “non-GMO” label term from select products because the company says it “doesn’t want to perpetuate a fear that something is wrong with GMOs.”

PRWeek reported the company is turning an about-face, after getting some products verified under the Non-GMO Project. The company is removing the non-GMO verified check from its single-cut lettuce products in its next print run, according to the company’s director of corporate marketing.

A company spokesperson said: “There is no GMO lettuce,” adding “It made us go: Why are we doing this?” Mann sells other products that do not have the non-GMO verified check but include copy stating they are GMO-free on the packaging. The company is discussing removing that label, as well.

Mann Packing was founded in Salinas, California in the 1930’s. Today, the company is a majority women-owned and operated business, and says it is one of the country’s leading suppliers of fresh vegetables.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.