High Tunnel System Initiative

DanNews from our Sponsors, Special Reports, Specialty Crops

The High Tunnel System is a conservation practice available through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). This practice helps producers:

  • Extend the growing season
  • Improve plant quality and soil quality
  • Reduce nutrient and pesticide transportation
  • Improve air quality through reduced transportation inputs
  • Reduce energy use by providing consumers with a local source of fresh produce

some high tunnels with different cultivars in a farmCore Practice

High Tunnel System (325)

Supporting Practices

The following list of practices is also available to producers, as applicable to their state, to support the Seasonal High Tunnel to help ensure that the resource concerns are addressed while implementing and managing the Seasonal High Tunnel:

  • Critical Area Planting
  • Diversion
  • Grassed Waterway
  • Irrigation Reservoir
  • Irrigation System, Microirrigation
  • Subsurface Drain
  • Surface Drainage, Field Ditch
  • Underground Outlet

How To Apply

NRCS accepts and processes EQIP applications on a continuous basis. However, each state may establish deadlines for one or more application periods in which to consider eligible applications for funding. Applications submitted after these dates will be evaluated and considered for funding during later funding opportunities. Producers must submit a complete program application and other documentation to support eligibility to be considered for financial assistance through EQIP.

Information about how to apply for assistance through EQIP and deadlines specific to the available application periods for each state, is available online.

Who Can Apply

Eligible applicants include individuals, legal entities, Indian Tribes, or joint operations engaged in agricultural production. In addition, organic producers who grow agricultural commodities on eligible land and have natural resource concerns which may be addressed by a seasonal high tunnel may participate in EQIP. See the EQIP website for more information about eligibility for financial assistance.

State Programs Links

Click on the State where the property that you are interested in enrolling in EQIP is located. This will take you to that State’s Programs home page, which will link to that State’s EQIP page.