Growth Energy Makes Major Gift to Agricultural Education Scholarship Fund

Taylor HillmanEducation

Senior agricultural scientist researching plants and diseases
Students majoring in agricultural education will have more and larger scholarships available starting in 2016, thanks to a commitment from Growth Energy to provide $90,000 in funds over the next three years.

The Upper Division scholarship from the National Association of Agricultural Educators is for students majoring in agricultural education during the semester when they student teach.

“Student teaching can be a financial strain on agricultural education majors,” said Dr. Wm. Jay Jackman, NAAE Executive Director. “They spend every day teaching, so they are essentially working a full-time job with no pay. There is a national shortage of agriculture teachers, so anything we can do to help students finish their degree and get into the classroom is critical.”

Previously, NAAE’s Upper Division Scholarships were $750 each, and approximately 15 were given each year. Growth Energy’s gift means that the scholarship amounts will be doubled, and more of these larger scholarships will be awarded, beginning in 2016.

Tom Buis, co-chair of Growth Energy noted, “There is nothing more important to the future of agriculture than those who wish to enter a career that will help further the innovation, promise and bounty of America’s farmers. American agriculture and those invested in it are the backbone of this nation and Growth Energy is thrilled to help support the future leaders of this industry. We are thrilled to help support those who will write the next great chapter of American excellence by providing food, feed and fuel to move our nation forward.”