Field Day for Cotton Growers

Taylor HillmanCotton, Environment, General, Specialty Crops, Water

Cotton Field Day
Several growers attended the Sustainable Cotton Project’s Herbicide Resistance Field Day. Sabrina Hill has more on what they learned and the program that organized the event.
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The Sustainable Cotton Project had an educational field day for growers this week. Executive Director Marcia Gibbs explains more about the program.

“We are a private nonprofit that works with cotton, almond, and alfalfa growers in Fresno, Madera and Merced counties,” she said. “Our funding is through the State Water Resources Control Board. So we are working on clean water funding and we are helping growers reduce their use of the most harmful chemicals that would would go into the air and the water in the region.”

The growers at the field day had the opportunity to learn more about invasive weeds and pests, irrigation, and soil quality. But, Gibbs says there’s more to the field day than that.

“I think finding out that there’s UC resources and that there are experts to which they can take those questions to, is really the take home. You know, each grower has an individual situation. And we hope we can provide them with some tools and let them know where to find those resources.”

For growers who missed the field day, the Sustainable Cotton Project posts videos of the speakers on their website.