Education Helps in Ag Water Fight

Taylor HillmanForage Crops, General, Specialty Crops, Water

Linsey Dale
One Southern California county tries to hang on to their ag water by educating the rest of the state. Sabrina Hill explains.
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When it comes to water in California, there’s just not enough to go around right now. That means some areas have to work hard to hang on to their agriculture water. One such area is Imperial County, in Southern California. The Farm Bureau Executive Director there, Linsey Dale explains.

“We have an ample supply of water that we need for Imperial County. We also recognize that while we have the water, we also don’t have a lot of population that lives here. So, we have other areas looking at our water with the drought situation in California,” Dale said. “Imperial Valley gets the majority of the water that comes from the Colorado River, and it’s used to grow our crops.”

“And so we have that responsibility in the ag community to educate people of where their food comes from and the reason why we need that water,” she continued. “We need to use it to the most beneficial use possible and hold that water tight and secure that water right that we have to grow the food for the nation that we need. It’s an education process.”