susan bodine

Delegates Urge Congress to Support Regulatory Reform

DanIndustry News Release

American Farm Bureau Federation delegates from all 50 states and Puerto Rico today approved a special resolution urging Congress to enact swift, meaningful and strongly bipartisan regulatory reform. The resolution, adopted at AFBF’s 2017 Annual Convention in Phoenix, comes in the wake of the introduction of bills in Congress that would pare back the rapid growth of oppressive regulation and government overreach.

Delegates called on the federal government adhere to series of principles, including:

  • the use of sound science;
  • consideration of costs and benefits to stakeholders;
  • transparency in federal agencies and departments;
  • reduction of abuses of the court settlement process;
  • limiting deference granted by courts to agencies’ interpretation of law;
  • prohibiting agency misuse of social media to lobby the public in support of agency proposals;
  • greater congressional oversight of agencies;
  • congressional approval of major rules;
  • a minimum comment period for rules; and
  • reform of the Equal Access to Justice Act.

The full text of the resolution is available here.