DCHA Launches Membership Drive

Taylor HillmanCattle, Dairy & Livestock, General

The Dairy Calf and Heifer Association (DCHA) announces new membership offerings, further providing valuable resources, discussions and information to dairy calf and heifer raisers – both custom raisers and dairy producers.

As part of the organization’s redefined structure and vision, DCHA is offering the remaining 2013 months as free membership to new members who sign-up for 2014 membership through Dec. 31. Jack Banker, a Wisconsin custom calf raiser and the president of DCHA, says new members have an opportunity to join forces with the industry’s only organization focused on calf and heifer production – at a pivotal time.

“Our organization is excited about the future and energized for a bright 2014,” he says. “With the valuable experiences of our producer members and the expertise of our industry partners, DCHA is the leading organization for dairy calf and heifer growers. It is our goal to provide and share resources with our members that will further advance the profitability, health and performance of their calves and the profit potential of our operations.”

Members of DCHA are provided with resources and networking opportunities to help them achieve their goals in calf and heifer production, including:

  • Access to leading industry knowledge and resources through exclusive e-management tips from leading industry experts and printed newsletters with calf raiser perspectives.
  • Timely information and updates on the latest research, developments and other information important to improving calf and heifer raising and dairy business operations.
  • Inside access to the Gold Standards best practices program.
  • Networking opportunities with nearly 600 calf and heifer growers and allied industry partners through the only national organization focused on producers who raise dairy calves and replacement heifers.
  • Member incentives and opportunities including conference discounts, scholarship benefits and leadership training opportunities.
  • A role in the renewed commitment DCHA has taken to enhance the expertise, collaboration and success of all dairy calf and heifer managers, employees and producers.

“There are a wide variety of benefits to joining DCHA – both for producers and allied industry partners,” Banker says. “Together, we can grow the future of your operation, of DCHA and of the dairy industry.”

“We want dairy producers and calf and heifer managers to take notice of the revitalized DCHA, and this membership drive is the first of many steps to generate attention,” says Ed Peck, management director for DCHA. “Through the feedback of literally hundreds of individuals, we know that the vision and purpose of DCHA is needed in our industry more than ever. Through the changes we are making, we are committed to making this organization one of the best professional resources within the dairy industry.”

A special member’s only registration will be available for the 2014 annual conference, themed “Be a ‘Driver’ of Change.” The conference is set for April 1-3, 2014 in Green Bay, Wis. Conference details and registration will soon be available at www.calfandheifer.org.

Join DCHA today by visiting: www.calfandheifer.org, phoning: (855) 400-3242 or emailing: info@calfandheifer.org.

The Dairy Calf and Heifer Association (www.calfandheifer.org) was founded in 1996 based on the mission to help dairy producers, calf managers and those professionally focused on the growth and management of dairy calves and heifers. With a national membership of producers, allied industries and research leaders, DCHA seeks to provide the industry’s standards for profitability, performance and leadership, serving as a catalyst to help members improve the vitality and viability of their individual efforts and that of their business.