Citrus Production Benefits from Rain and Cooler Temperatures

Brian GermanCitrus

Citrus Production

The cooler temperatures in recent weeks and the rainstorms that have come through California have been good news for citrus production. President and CEO of California Citrus Mutual, Casey Creamer explained that the cold weather and rain “has just been a perfect start for the citrus season.” While the rain has put a damper on harvesting, it is still welcomed by producers.

“This rain is just perfect at this point in time. Hopefully, it will improve allocations and provide a little bit more certainty and clarity for growers as we move forward,” Creamer noted. “The temperatures that we’ve seen so far have just been excellent for us. We like it a little bit cold. It helps the trees to shut down and stop growing which is good. It provides a little bit of a break, and it also helps the fruit on the tree.”

Listen to the radio report below.

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Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West