golden farmland around tashan village, Hweichow, China

China to Increase Farmland by 2020

DanIndustry News Release

farmland China

Golden farmland around tashan village, Hweichow, China

The Chinese government has put together a five-year plan for land management from 2016 through 2020. Pro Farmer’s First Thing Today Report says the government will be adding another 3.2 million acres of farmable land to replace some of the nearly five million acres lost since 2003. The new acres would come from cultivation and land management, but the State Council wouldn’t provide any details. Industry estimates say China currently has just over 309 million acres of arable land and currently farms 247 million acres. China also announced five-year plans for the grains and oilseed industries. Those new plans include boosting production of biodegradable plastics made from corn and increasing the use of grains in animal feed. The nation is currently working to reduce its large corn reserve.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.