According to Dave Puglia, Western Growers Association, Sr. Vice President, Government Affairs and Communication; Western Growers applauds California Governor Jerry Brown for his responsible action in the veto of AB …
Urge Governor Brown to Veto Heat Illness Bills
Grape and Tree Fruit League Urge Governor Brown to Veto Heat Illness Bills In a recent OnTarget Newsletter from the Fresno-based California Grape and Tree Fruit League, two labor-driven bills …
Agribusiness Management Conference Nov. 7th
Economists, academic and business experts will discuss the economic outlook, global trade, California water quality, federal farm policy and other key issues Nov. 7 at the 31st annual Agribusiness Management …
Overtime Bill Defeated…Good News for Agriculture
AB 1313, the legislation that would end the 10 hour-day/60 hour-week overtime exemption for agriculture employees, was defeated just before midnight, August 31, falling seven votes short of the 41 …
Corn for Fuel or Food?
Gary Cooper reports on a super-charged debate in Washington D.C. on reducing the use of corn for ethanol in exchange for livestock feed. Ranchers are hurting due to the shortage …
Drought Fuels Feed vs Fuel Debate as 156 in Congress Weigh-In
This week’s debate about what to do with the drought stricken corn crop continues. Animal agriculture interests want EPA to waive the mandate for corn ethanol production, while ethanol interests …
AgNet West Radio Network Covers California; Announces Sales Representative
Network Announces J. L. Farmakis, Inc. as National Sales Representative; “KROP” Radio First of a Dozen Charter Affiliates Joining Network; All Major California Ag Areas Covered with Prime Network Airtimes …