California FFA President says Ag Education Funds are Important

DanCattle, Citrus, Corn, Cotton, Dairy & Livestock, Energy, Environment, Field & Row Crops, Forage Crops, General, Grain, Hogs & Pork, Poultry, Seeds, Specialty Crops, Sugar, Tree, nut & vine crops, Vegetables, Water

In this final segment of our series on FFA Week, Sabrina Hill continues talking with California FFA President Riley Nielsen who says agriculture education is important because it helping our …

Statement from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on the 2012 Census of Agriculture Preliminary Results

DanCattle, Citrus, Corn, Cotton, Dairy & Livestock, Field & Row Crops, Forage Crops, General, Grain, Hogs & Pork, Industry News Release, Poultry, Seeds, Specialty Crops, Sugar, Tree, nut & vine crops, Vegetables

WASHINGTON, Feb. 20, 2014—Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today made the following statement on the 2012 Census of Agriculture preliminary results: “The preliminary data released today provide a snapshot of a strong …

USDA Releases a First Look at 2012 Census of Agriculture Results

DanCattle, Citrus, Corn, Dairy & Livestock, Field & Row Crops, Forage Crops, General, Grain, Hogs & Pork, Industry News Release, Poultry, Seeds, Specialty Crops, Sugar, Tree, nut & vine crops, Vegetables

SACRAMENTO – Today the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) released the 2012 Census of Agriculture preliminary results providing a first look at state and national data.  …

Gov. Brown, Legislative Leaders Announce Emergency Drought Legislation

Taylor HillmanCattle, Citrus, Corn, Cotton, Crop Forecast, Dairy & Livestock, Environment, Field & Row Crops, Forage Crops, General, Grain, Hogs & Pork, Poultry, Seeds, Specialty Crops, Sugar, Tree, nut & vine crops, Vegetables, Water

With California experiencing its worst water shortage crisis in modern history, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today joined Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg and Assembly Speaker John A. Pérez …

Kingsburg Student Colton Vogt Interviews South Dakota Gov at Ag Expo

DanCattle, Citrus, Corn, Cotton, Dairy & Livestock, Energy, Environment, Field & Row Crops, Forage Crops, General, Grain, Hogs & Pork, Poultry, Seeds, Specialty Crops, Sugar, Tree, nut & vine crops, Vegetables, Water

Immanuel Schools Student Colton Vogt from Kingsburg, CA was on hand to interview South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard in the state’s exhibit at the recent World Ag Expo near Tulare. …

AgNeTVideo: Sights from the World Ag Expo 2014

Taylor HillmanAgNeTVideo, Cattle, Citrus, Cotton, Crop Forecast, Dairy & Livestock, Field & Row Crops, Forage Crops, General, Grain, Hogs & Pork, Poultry, Specialty Crops, Sugar, Tree, nut & vine crops, Vegetables, Water

Video of various aspects of the World Ag Expo Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsNovember 1, 2024Protecting Your Operation from Damaging Fire AntsJuly 11, 2024Controlling Fire Ants in Almond OrchardsMay 29, …

AgNeTVideo: California FFA President on Ag Education Funding

Taylor HillmanAgNeTVideo, Cattle, Citrus, Corn, Cotton, Dairy & Livestock, Field & Row Crops, Forage Crops, General, Grain, Hogs & Pork, Poultry, Seeds, Specialty Crops, Sugar, Tree, nut & vine crops, Vegetables

California State FFA President Riley Nilsen explains what the governor’s cuts to ag education could mean to FFA groups and schools around the state. Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsNovember 1, …