Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsMarch 1, 2025Protecting Your Operation from Damaging Fire AntsJuly 11, 2024Controlling Fire Ants in Almond OrchardsMay 29, 2024
USDA Designates Imperial County in California as a Primary Natural Disaster Area with Assistance to Producers in Arizona
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has designated Imperial County in California as a primary natural disaster area due to damages and losses caused by a recent drought. “Our hearts …
Gray Proposes Laws to Alleviate Effects of Drought in Valley, Statewide
Assemblymember Adam C. Gray (D-Merced) today proposed three new priority water bills aimed at mitigating the impact of the drought on farmers statewide and spurring Central Valley agriculture. Sponsored ContentCIR …
State Water Project Deliveries Increased Slightly
Few storms have graced California so far this winter, but those that did — in mid — December and early February – will allow the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) to …
Zero Allocations…Again
The definition of balance at the State and Federal level is once again highlighted by an announcement from the Bureau of Reclamation that producers south of the Delta will again …
Fresno County Farm Bureau Issues Statement on Water Supply for County’s Federal Water Contractors
Statement by CEO/Executive Director Ryan Jacobsen: “Today’s announcement of an initial 0 percent water allocation for Fresno County’s East (Friant) and West side federal water contractors will greatly affect its …
Statement of Don Peracchi, President of Westlands Water District, on Bureau of Reclamation’s Allocation Announcement
For the second year in a row, California farmers will not be receiving any water from the Central Valley Project. Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsMarch 1, 2025Protecting Your Operation from …
Tomatoes on Drip Might Need Added Potassium
Experts are seeing a need to add potassium to some tomato crops that are being drip irrigated. Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsMarch 1, 2025Protecting Your Operation from Damaging Fire AntsJuly …
What ‘Potential to Discharge’ Means to You
The term ‘potential to discharge’ is causing concern amongst growers when it comes to reporting irrigation practices to area water coalitions. Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsMarch 1, 2025Protecting Your Operation …
Pump and Drip Irrigation Workshop
The Center for Irrigation Technology at Fresno State held a workshop today that showed attendees how to flush drip systems and important tip-offs that could save a grower a lot …
Western View: Got Rain?
Got Rain? Len Wilcox vents his frustration with winter. Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsMarch 1, 2025Protecting Your Operation from Damaging Fire AntsJuly 11, 2024Controlling Fire Ants in Almond OrchardsMay 29, …
USDA Video: Measuring Snow for Spring Water Supplies
USDA has special snow measuring stations at high elevations to help gauge the amount of Spring water supplies, which is critical for areas experiencing drought. For more information go to: …
USDA Video: USDA Week In Review February 20
A weekly look at some of the events and activities at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In this edition of USDA Week In Review, the 2015 Agricultural Outlook Forum. Sponsored …
AgNeTVideo: Interview with Manuel Cunha at Water Resources Hearing
Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsMarch 1, 2025Protecting Your Operation from Damaging Fire AntsJuly 11, 2024Controlling Fire Ants in Almond OrchardsMay 29, 2024