California Cattle on Feed Cattle and calves on feed for the slaughter market in California for feedlots with capacity of 1,000 or more head totaled 415,000 head on June 1, …
Pacific Region Fruit and Nut Review
May Crop Comments – California In Napa County, sulfur applications on grapes and the suckering of grape vines continued. In Fresno County, rain and cloudy weather prolonged the bloom period …
NPPC President Weber Talks Exports, TPP on Capital Hill
U.S. Pork Needs Exports; TPP Would Boost Them The U.S. pork industry must continue to grow its exports and do so through free trade agreements such as the pending Trans-Pacific …
Crop Production Report
The USDA-NASS, Pacific Regional Office released the crop production forecast for June. The latest survey, conducted during the last week of May 2016, and the first week of June 2016, …
Cuba Wants Credit to Increase Food Production
Cuba’s agriculture minister says the country wants to increase food production to cut food imports in half, but needs funds to make that goal happen. Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsMarch …
Agri View: Japan’s Agriculture Imports-Exports
Everett Griner talks about Japan’s agriculture imports and exports in today’s Agri View. Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsMarch 1, 2025Protecting Your Operation from Damaging Fire AntsJuly 11, 2024Controlling Fire Ants in Almond …
California Dried Plum (Prune) Forecast
2016 California Dried Plum (Prune) Forecast The 2016 California dried plum (prune) crop is forecast at 45 thousand tons, down 58 percent from the 107 thousand tons reported to the California …
Pacific Region, Poultry Report
California Egg Production California’s egg production during April totaled 291 million, down 6 million from March’s production but up 22 million from April 2015. The all layers during the month …
California Livestock Review
California Cattle on Feed Cattle and calves on feed for the slaughter market in California for feedlots with capacity of 1,000 or more head totaled 415,000 head on May 1, …
U.S. Beef Hits South Africa
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) confirmed that the first shipment of U.S. beef recently arrived in South Africa following the reopening of the South African market earlier this year. …
Organic Survey – California
California: First in the Number of Organic Farms and Total Sales In 2014, the United States had 14,093 organic farms producing $5.5 billion in organic products, according to a survey …
California Almond Forecast
The initial subjective forecast for the 2016 California almond production is 2.0 billion pounds. Forecasted production is 5.8 percent above last year’s production of 1.89 billion pounds. Forecasted bearing acreage …
California Raisin Grape Mechanical Harvest Report
Total acreage harvested by mechanical means was 47,754, just over 28 percent of the State’s total raisin-type grape acreage, according to the Pacific Regional Office of USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics …
Crop Production Report
The USDA-NASS, Pacific Regional Office released the crop production forecast for May. The latest survey, conducted during the last week of April 2016, and the first week of May 2016, …