California to the Midwest: Interview with South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard

Taylor HillmanCattle, Dairy & Livestock, General

AgNet West News Director Sabrina Hill toured the Midwest this month, where she learned more about the agriculture in Wisconsin and the Dakotas. A highlight of her trip was sitting down with the Governor of South Dakota, Dennis Daugaard, to talk to him about efforts to bring California dairy farmers into his state.

Dennis Daugaard – full interview

Extra questions:
When Daugaard talks to California dairy producers about starting operations in South Dakota, does he discuss with them the major differences in weather and the challenges involved with the South Dakota winters?
Weather Challenges

Daugaard on dairy locations within the state
Dairy locations

Daugaard on the dairy-friendly nature of the area
Dairy friendly areas

Daugaard’s final thoughts for California dairy producers
Daugaard final thoughts