CA Cattle Ranch Nominated for Award

Taylor HillmanCattle, Environment, General, Industry Videos-Promoting Agriculture

Sparrowk Livestock
A California cattle ranch will find out next month if it is named the national winner of the Environmental Stewardship Award Program. Sabrina Hill reports.
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Sparrowk Livestock of Clements California was named the 2012 EASP Region 6 winner during the Cattle Summer Conference. Now all of the regional winners are waiting to find out which will be named the national winner.
Award winners are honored for their commitment to protecting the environment and improving fish and wildlife habitat while operating profitable cattle businesses.
Each of the regional winners also had a video produce about their ranch. The Sparrowk video mentions their dedication to range land conservation.
Please enjoy the video.

The national winner will be announced during the 2013 Cattle Industry Convention next month in Tampa.
Agnet West will have reporters at the convention, and will bring you the announcement once it’s made.