CA Beef Producers on Chipotle’s Plans to Import Beef

Taylor HillmanCattle

Following Chipotle’s official statement regarding plans to import Australian grass-fed beef as part of its Food With Integrity and Responsibly Raise Beef standards – U.S. cattle producers and industry leaders have taken a stand and are speaking up – according to Drovers.

Earlier this week – Texas Ag Commissioner Todd Stables wrote a letter to Chipotle Founder Steve Ells that says Staples is shocked by the company’s decision to start serving meat that’s been shipped in from more than 8,000 miles away. Staples says he was dismayed by Chipotle’s misguided and irresponsible declaration that the Australian meat is somehow more responsibly raised than meat produced in the United States.

Two California ranchers – organic beef producer Darrell Wood and conventional beef producer Darrel Sweet – have spoken out on the Facts About Beef Blog about their different methods and how the environment dictates the practices they can use.

Wood has summer and winter pasture available for his operation – but Sweet says his pastures are only green six months out of the year. If he were to produce grass-fed beef – Sweet says he would have to either cut his herd size in half or stock feed accordingly when the grass is dry. Either way – he says it would ultimately lead to the end of his 5th generation farm. Wood says he would love for Mr. Ells to call or visit his ranch to learn more about how beef is raised and discuss his options for providing responsibly raised beef to Chipotle consumers.