Breeders Constantly Looking for ‘Next’ Potato

Taylor HillmanEnvironment, Seeds, Specialty Crops, Vegetables, Water

The potato industry is changing and breeders are constantly looking for the next big marketable product. Breeders see California’s growing season as an important part of their product testing.

Real Potatoes is a breeding company out of Canada, and it has been participating in the Kern County Potato Variety Trial since 1996. Sales manager Gerard Baston says the potato industry is changing, and breeders and growers alike are looking for new, highly marketable varieties. Baston says the California trial is always a good place to see a wide variety.

What Breeders Are Looking For

Breeders from all over North America come to the field day to see how their new varieties fare in these different conditions. They also get a chance to see what their product looks like early before the rest of the potato-producing areas even plant. Baston says California’s growing season is unlike any other.

California Season Unlike Any Other