Almond Update: Using Strategic Deficit Irrigation

Taylor HillmanAlmond Update, General, Specialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops

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In this week’s Almond Update, we learn more about using strategic deficit irrigation. Sabrina Hill reports.

Almond Update: More on Using Strategic Deficit Irrigation

As we explained in last week’s almond update, Strategic Deficit Irrigation, or SDI, is the method of reducing irrigation during hullsplit. University of California (UC) Farm Advisor David Doll reminds us of the basics of SDI.

He says growers will need to monitor the trees to make sure they’re getting the right amount of water, and that there is a specific time in the season to apply SDI. Doll says SDI is a beneficial method in many situations, but there are cases when it should not be used. He says if the trees are already under a good amount of water stress, growers should not use SDI. And he says growers should contact their UC Cooperative Extension farm advisor for help in creating the right irrigation plan.

Listen to the story above for all of Doll’s comments.