Almond Board: Stockpile Management

Taylor HillmanAlmond Update

Stockpile Management Stockpile management is an important part of managing aflatoxins. In this week’s Almond Update, Almond Board Director of Quality Assurance and Industry Services Tim Birmingham tells us some best practices.

Listen to the full interview with Almond Board Director of Quality Assurance and Industry Services Tim Birmingham.

Find the best management practices here.

More from the Almond Board:

Almond Board of California research focused on stockpiling and crop moisture content shows that it is important to follow key practices to avoid mold growth in piles, particularly the Aspergillus fungus and resulting aflatoxin.

Stockpiling in-hull almonds at moisture content greater than 7% leads to relative humidity (rH) within the stockpile of more than 70% — the maximum allowable rH for almond storage. Almonds should not be stockpiled if either the hull moisture content exceeds 13% or the kernel moisture content exceeds 6%. Crop moisture should be determined while the crop is on the orchard floor, either before or after sweeping.

Aflatoxins are naturally occurring chemicals produced by certain molds. They are a health concern because of their potential to cause cancer. Because of this health risk, maximum allowable levels of aflatoxin contamination in foods have been set by certain countries around the world — including countries that are some of the largest markets for California Almonds.