Almond Board: Steps to Take Before Harvest

Taylor HillmanGeneral

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As almond growers prepare for harvest, there are several steps they should take to get their orchards ready. Sabrina Hill has more.

Almond Update – Orchard Floor Management for Harvest

Fresno County grower Dennis Jizmejian says growers should already be restricting any domestic animals from going into the orchard, managing pests like ants and rodents, and considering the timing for leveling their orchard floor. He says to get it as smooth as possible, and be sure to avoid creating any spots where puddles can form – so the almonds don’t sit in water that’s possibly contaminated with pathogens. He says all these measures are important aspects to food safety.

Another step in orchard management – weed control.

Finally, as growers prepare for harvest, Jizmejian gives a reminder to keep dust under control, and the neighbors in mind.