Almond Board: Groundwater Recharge Project

Taylor HillmanAlmond Update, General, Specialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops

The Almond Board of California presents today's Almond Update
The Almond Board is funding research into the possibility of using almond orchards to recharge groundwater.

Almond Board Groundwater Recharge Research

Almond Board of California Director of Sustainability and Environmental Affairs, Gabriele Ludwig, explains the research.

For more information online, visit this article by the Almond Board of California.
From the article:
The ongoing drought and new state laws focused on the sustainable use of local groundwater resources have put increased emphasis on groundwater in California. Almond Board of California (ABC) has launched a multi-tier effort to examine the potential role almond orchards might play in recharging groundwater aquifers in the Central Valley.

Dwindling surface water supplies and delayed prospects for constructing new above-ground storage have renewed focus on the potential of underground aquifers to increase water storage and available water supplies. At the same time, the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, passed in fall 2014, will lead to the development of locally managed groundwater sustainability plans that could fundamentally change whether and to what degree California growers can access groundwater.

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