Almond Board: Getting out the Facts about Almonds

Taylor HillmanAlmond Update, General, Specialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops

Almond Board of California
The Almond Board is working to let the public know the true facts about almonds, especially when it comes to water use. Sabrina Hill has more on its efforts.
almond irrigation

Almond Update – Facts about Almonds

The almond industry has gotten a bit of a bum rap recently, with mountains of misinformation both in mainstream media and in social media. But the Almond Board of California is doing what it can to get the real facts out to the public. Carissa Sauer, Manager of Industry Communications for the Almond Board, says there’s starting to be a shift in the stories.

Sauer points out the Almond Board works hard to make sure the public has the correct information.

She says there are ways for almond growers and other advocates to help out. Head to for more information on water use for almonds. You can also click on the images on this page to see full versions of the graphics and information.
Water graphic