Agriculture Presents Abundant Opportunities for Career Seekers

Brian GermanAgri-Business

Agriculture is more than tractor work and tending to animals. Under the agriculture industry’s umbrella is technology, engineering, marketing, medicine, chemistry and more. Erika Osmundson Director of Marketing Communications with, says the sheer number and variety of opportunities in the agricultural sector of the economy might come as a shock to people.

In 2019, thousands of listings were posted to the job search website. “Last year, we posted 50,000 open positions within agriculture on the site. While production agriculture is key to the world, there is more to agriculture in terms of careers than production, that ‘cows, plows, and sows’ is what we always say,” Osmundson said. She added, there has been an increased demand for skilled workers in IT, software development and process engineering fields. NAFB contributed to this report.

Listen to the full report below.

Ag Business Update ~ 04.03.2020

Danielle Leal
Multi-Media Journalist & AgNet News Hour Anchor