bad weather above the white flowers field

Agri View: Weather Future

DanAgri View, Weather

bad weather above the white flowers field
Everett Griner talks about long range weather forecasting in today’s Agri View.

Weather Future

Well as the year come to a close it has been a bad year in some sections of our farm country. It has been anything from extremely dry to extreme drought. Especially across the southernmost part of our nation. Outlook is not good especially for the southwest for the next couple of years. At least that is what the meteorologist who forecast our long-range weather are saying. My attention has been directed more to what has happened than to what is going to happen. Extreme weather changes has been a part of our climate ever since I started reporting farm news. I can’t recall a single year we have not had drought or flooding or both is some parts of our country. We have had some of both this year. Changing weather patterns are a part of U.S. farm history. World-wide climate change. Yes, I think so. But not in 2017. It is going to take a lot more time than that.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner