
Agri View: Unusual Storm Losses

DanAgri View, Weather

weather unusual storm
Everett Griner talks about storm destroying 115 year old trees in today’s Agri View.

Unusual Storm Losses

It wasn’t a big storm. And it wasn’t widespread but it was a bad one. It struck a small area of Southwest Georgia back in early January. Television covered the damage to the whole area extensively for several days. But there was no mention of one of the costliest parts of that whole storm. It struck Georgia’s most productive pecan region. Several thousand trees were either blown down or severely damaged. Records reveal that some of those trees were planted in 1902. They have produced over 100 years of crops. Now it is going to take weeks to assess the total damage to all of the trees, but it will take years to replace them. Hundreds of those that survived the storm had heavy losses to limbs. So the total damage will take years to replace. And they may never be whole. You can just conclude it is in the millions.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner.