Agri View: Meals Without Meat

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Grilled tofu with mushrooms.

Everett Griner talks about eating healthy meals without meat in today’s Agri View.

Meals Without Meat

From: American Heart Association

Meals Without Meat

mealsGoing meatless at a meal every now and then can help you lower your cholesterol and may reduce your risk for cardiovascular diseases. And unlike a strict vegetarian diet, mixing in some meatless meals won’t require you to give up your carnivorous ways. You can still eat lean meat – just less of it.


“Most of the cholesterol-raising saturated fat Americans eat comes from meat and full-fat dairy products such as whole milk cheese,” said Alice Lichtenstein, D.Sc., a professor of nutrition at the USDA Human Nutrition Center at Tufts University in Boston and a member of the American Heart Association’s Council on Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health.

“If you decrease your daily intake of animal fat, you’re going to decrease your intake of saturated fat,” she said.

What’s in a  meatless meal?

mealsSo what’s for dinner when you take meat off the menu? You have more options than you might think. A burger makeover could feature a grilled portobello mushroom in place of a beef patty. Or fill a pot of chili with white beans and vegetables instead of ground chuck.

Many meatless meals are as simple as moving vegetables and fruits from a side dish to a starring role. You should also seek out high-fiber whole grains, beans and legumes, unsalted nuts and lower fat  and fat-free dairy foods. These tend to be high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and other important phytonutrients, said Rachel Johnson, Ph.D., R.D., a nutrition professor at the University of Vermont and vice chair of the American Heart Association’s Nutrition Committee.

Read the full article.

From: Everyday Health

10 High-Protein Dinner Recipes — No Meat Required


No Meat? No Problem.

Vegetarian Lentil BurgerProtein is a staple nutrient in our diet, serving as a building block for cells and tissues throughout the body, fueling exercise sessions, and filling us up at mealtime. The Institute of Medicine recommends that men aim for 56 grams per day, and that women shoot for 46 grams. While meat is often the first thing to come to mind when we think high-protein foods, it’s far from the only ingredient that can help you hit your daily goal. Plus, getting protein from a variety of sources helps to ensure a balanced diet and keeps saturated fat intake under control. Whether you’re a vegetarian, going meatless a few days a week for health purposes, or just haven’t had time to get to the store to stock up on lean protein, these 10 delicious recipes will make hitting your daily protein goal a breeze.

Lentil and Almond Burger

No ground beef? No problem! You can still enjoy a burger (and pack in 11 grams of protein) by calling on lentils, nuts, and veggies. This vegetarian patty is full of flavor and cuts back on unhealthy saturated fats that typically creep up in the barbecue favorite. Enjoy it on a whole-wheat bun and tack on an additional 6 grams of protein.

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