Agri View: La Niña Forecast

DanAgri View, Weather

la forecast
Everett Griner talks about just exactly how accurate the La Niña forecast was in today’s Agri View.

La Niña Forecast

You probably recall when last fall when climatologists and forecasters’ were warning us that a Tropical La Nina system would likely dominate our weather this summer. Were they ever right? La Nina is the dry formation. 2016 has been one of the driest summers in parts of the country, especially in the southeast. Lack of rainfall made it hard all across Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia. Some parts of that region didn’t get a drop of rain in October. It wasn’t just field crops that were hurt. Some cattle farmers were forced to sell some of their herd because they had no pasture to graze them on. That’s not all. I heard in November that La Nina influence would more than likely be felt through the winter and on into 2017. Especially across the south all the way from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner