real meat

Agri View: Efforts to Enact COOL

DanAgri View, Cattle, Hogs & Pork, Poultry

enact coolEverett Griner talks about efforts still being made to enact COOL in today’s Agri View. Everett looks into what happened with it to begin with, and what is currently being done to try to bring it back.

Mention the word COOL and most people think of being comfortable. I mean Country of Origin Labeling. People wanting to know about the source of some of their food. It died down after the government got involved. It is back in the news again. While most consumers to find COOL to be practical. It did have impact on where the food came from, and how it affected the consumers diet. Congress actually gave us a law requiring country of origins to be on the label.

Various farm groups fought back and the law was overturned. Now a new effort is underway to get some kind of law to require imported foods, especially meats, to be labeled. It would be good for Congressmen, the U.S. meat consumer, and the producer. Especially for meat to be labeled.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…