2014 Winter Wheat Production Forecast




The 2014 Winter wheat production forecast is 480 thousand tons, down 41 percent from last year due to fewer acres planted by growers. Harvested acres are estimated at 200 thousand, resulting in a yield of 2.4 tons per acre.

2014 Winter Wheat Production Forecast

The wheat growing season in California began with a lack of significant precipitation. This held true until April, when much needed precipitation was received. To compensate some growers began their irrigation schedules earlier than usual. Dryland wheat was impacted the most by the lack of moisture, with stunting and maturation problems reported. The 2014 Durum wheat production forecast is 173 thousand tons, down 14 percent from 2013. Harvested acres are estimated at 55 thousand, with a yield of 3.2 tons per acre. The dry beginning to the year had little impact on the Durum wheat crop since irrigation is the norm. The Durum wheat harvest was expected to begin in Southern California by mid-May.

Production forecasts are released on a monthly basis and do not reflect final production estimates. The next production forecast will be issued June 11, 2014.