indoor heat

Water, Rest, and Shade are Key to Heat Illness Prevention Plans 

Brian GermanAgri-Business, Industry, Regulation

AgSafe President and CEO Theresa Kiehn reminds agricultural employers of information critical for the well-being of employees regarding heat illness prevention plans. 

Kiehn said that a major source of citations by Cal/OSHA is not having plans or lacking effective communication of those plans. Heat illness prevention plans should be printed in English and in any languages spoken by employees. It must be made readily visible and also available digitally for supervisors to reference. 

heat illness prevention

Key elements of any prevention plan include making water readily available, with adequate replenishment and replacement throughout the workday. Kiehn said that there should be one quart of water for each worker each hour. Rest is also a mandatory element, and supervisors must ensure their crews are taking breaks throughout the day in the shade. Structures such as pop-up tents must also be made available for crews to get out of direct sun. 

Kiehn also noted that Cal/OSHA has indicated the need for high heat procedures if temperatures are above 95 degrees. These include frequent breaks for employees, supervision of employees to ensure breaks are observed, and that tailgate trainings are performed in the mornings prior to the start of the shift, which include briefings on the symptoms of heat illness. 

AgSafe provides health and safety trainings to the agricultural industry, ensuring that farming operations are compliant with laws and regulations. For more information or questions regarding heat illness prevention, visit or call 209-526-4400.

Contributing Author:
Lauren McEwen
AgNet West Intern