lavender oil

Lavender Oil Has Many Uses

DanThis Land of Ours

lavender oil

Cathy Isom has told us about the many uses of Olive Oil around the home. Cathy has searched out another oil that has more than just one use. Cathy gives us some of the many household and personal uses of Lavender oil. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Lavender oil is one of those do powerful essential oils that can pretty much do it all.

Around the house, it’s a great air freshener that has a very pleasant and tranquil scent. Add several drops of oil to your laundry’s dryer sheet for a fresher smelling load of laundry.  It can also be used as an all natural antibacterial spray by adding a couple dozen drops of lavender to a spray bottle full of water.

Outside of the home, Lavender oil can repel insects. So forget the stinky chemical repellents, and use lavender oil on skin to prevent insect bites. Speaking of bites, and any other first aid need such as cuts, sores, bruises or burns, lavender oil to the rescue. It’s great for sunburn relief, too. Just add a few drops of oil into a few cups of water and spray on the area to reduce the sting.

Other topical uses include treating acne, use as an antifungal, and reverse hair loss when the oil is massaged into the scalp. It also eliminates dandruff.

I’m Cathy Isom…