…World’s Premier Citrus Expo takes place August 14-15 in North Fort Myers, Florida. Want to learn more? Click here to subscribe and view the current issue. Citrus Expo online coverage…
Keep Psyllids Under Control to Fight HLB
A researcher says diligent control of the Asian citrus Psyllid is a key to preventing Huanglongbing disease. Sabrina Hill has more. Click to open or download audio report The best…
AgNet West e-News: AF36 and Almonds; Curly Top in Tomatoes; Future of Citrus
This week’s issue of the AgNet West e-News includes information on AF36 and almonds, curly top in tomatoes, and the future of citrus production. Click here to view the current…
Citrus Industry E-news: Citrus SWAT Team; ‘Citrus Freeze’
This week’s issue of the Citrus Industry eNews Exclusive includes information on a new citrus SWAT team being established and research on cryopreserving citrus buds. Want to learn more? Click…
Future of Citrus Production
The future of citrus production is one of the seminar topics at the upcoming Citrus Expo. Researcher and speaker Arnold Schumann says that includes fighting Huanglongbing disease. Sabrina Hill has…
Citrus Expo E-news: Seminar Program; Prizes
This week’s issue of the Citrus Expo E-newsletter includes a preview of the seminar program and details on iPod mini and painting prizes. The World’s Premier Citrus Expo takes place…
AgNet West e-News: Asian Citrus Psyllid in Tulare; Surface Water Shortage; Soil Nutrients
This week’s issue of the AgNet West e-News includes information on the Asian citrus psyllid in Tulare, surface water shortage, and soil nutrients. Click here to view the current issue….
Residents Can Help Spot Asian Citrus Psyllid
…for damage that could be caused by the Asian citrus psyllid. She says homeowners who see any damage on their citrus trees are encouraged to call the ag commissioner’s office….
Citrus Industry E-news: FL Fresh Citrus Report; HLB Research Summary
…issue. Click here to subscribe to the monthly Citrus Industry magazine. Citrus Expo 2013-FREE admission for California Growers! Focusing on Citrus Psyllid and HLB education. Learn More and Pre-Register Now!…
AgNeTVideo – Asian Citrus Psyllid in Tulare
Growers and residents who think they have may trees damaged from the Asian Citrus Psyllid are asked to call their local Agriculture Commissioner’s office….
Citrus Expo E-news: New Issue Available
California citrus growers are invited to attend the World’s Premier Citrus Expo on August 14-15 in Fort Myers, Florida. Want to learn more? Click here to subscribe and view the…
Asian Citrus Psyllid Confirmed in Tulare
…the Asian citrus psyllid is very concerning because the insect can carry and spread huanglongbing disease to citrus trees. While there is no threat to human health, when a tree…
Citrus Industry E-news: Crop Forecast; Summer Psyllid Control
This week’s issue of the Citrus Industry E-news Exclusive includes the last citrus crop forecast of the season and ways to control psyllids and other summer pests. Want to learn…