…trees within 800 meters of the find sites will be treated for the Asian citrus psyllid. A public meeting was scheduled for August 11, 2015 for the new area. The…
Citrus Industry This Week: Water Farming; Online CEU; Citrus Expo
Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week from Florida includes a water farming report, a CEU article and Citrus Expo updates. Want to learn more? Click here to subscribe free…
Damage Caused by Asian Long-horned Beetle
Rhonda Santos with USDA’s Asian Long-horned Beetle Eradication Program describes the devastation caused by the beetle. Damage Caused by Asian Long-horned Beetle…
The California Kitchen: Spinach and Bay Scallops Citrus Salad
In today’s California Kitchen, learn to cook amazing spinach and bay scallops citrus salad with The Untamed Chef, Albert J. Hernandez. Here’s what you’ll need: 2 T Rosenthal Olive Oil…
Citrus Industry This Week: Fresh Citrus Outlook; Citrus Expo Updates
Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week from Florida includes an outlook on fresh citrus, information on new tangerines and Citrus Expo updates. Want to learn more? Click here to…
Scholarship Supports Biological Control Research
…citrus psyllids. Hoddle says a program in Southern California is looking to keep this research going, and that starts with educating future researchers. To learn more about Smith or to…
Common Insect Impacting Wasp Effectiveness
Courtesy: UCANR Researchers faced a problem with an insect that every grower has in their groves during a trial looking at biological control of the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP). Ants…
Tamarixia Wasp Populations Doing Well
…release a parasitic wasp called tamarixia in California and add some biological control to Asian citrus psyllid pest managment. Cooperative Extension Specialist Mark Hoddle says it was important to get…
Four HLB Trees in San Gabriel, Quarantine Declared
…Griffin Ave.; and on the south W. La Habra Blvd. This area is part of a much larger quarantine already in place for the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), the pest…
Citrus Industry This Week: New FDOC Leadership; CHMAs Help Profits
Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week from Florida includes reports on new leadership at the Florida Department of Citrus and proof that successful Citrus Health Management Areas can help…
Residential Citrus Tree Concerns Remain
…the heart of a residential area of Los Angeles County. CDFA Director of Public Affairs Steve Lyle says the fight against HLB and the Asian citrus psyllid has been well…
Proximity of HLB Finds Concerning, Yet Not Surprising
…Finds two years apart It might be just a coincidence that only 15 miles separate the 2012 HLB case and the 2 recent detections. California Citrus Mutual Director of Public…
Second Wasp Released for Psyllid Control
Courtesy: USDA A second parasitic wasp has been released to bolster the biological control of the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP). Second Wasp to Help Tamarixia Growers heard about a 2-year…
Second Tree Tests Positive for HLB in San Gabriel
…away. Officials say CDFA has made San Gabriel a priority and personnel are actively inspecting trees and collecting samples. Asian citrus psyllid treatments will begin next week and a public…