…County citrus grower Matt Watkins said, “We’ve been trying to get legislation for over two years and we’re in year five of a drought and nothing has changed. We need…
Grower Warns CA of HLB Tough Reality
Florida grower talks about life with HLB and what California growers should be prepared to do A longtime Florida citrus grower is making the best of a bad situation and…
Jordan Ag Center Opens Doors
…Wonderful Company. “As an agriculture industry leader and one of the world’s largest growers of citrus, nuts and pomegranates, we have a vested interest in the future of farming. We…
GWSS Egg Hatch Begins, Treatments Underway
…efforts on a regional scale between citrus and grape growers. Since late 2015 citrus growers in the General Beale and Edison regions of Kern County have made two insecticide applications…
Agri View: Citrus Greening Losses
Photo courtesy of USDA Everett Griner talks about the losses from citrus greening continuing to grow across the United States in today’s Agri View. Citrus Greening Losses From: University of…
No Changes for California Citrus
…the Non-Valencia, Valencia, Grapefruit and Tangerines were reported. Hudson also offered the reason for the increases this month. No Changes for California Citrus May USDA Citrus Forecast Maturity Test Results…
Leaders Say Lemon Proposal ‘Defies Logic’
A proposed rule will allow Argentinian lemons into the United States and California citrus leaders says this is another gamble in a series of proposals that would increase disease threats….
Increased ACP Activity in Central Valley
…ACP Update From the Citrus Pest and Disease Prevention Program: There have been 17 Asian citrus psyllid finds in various parts of Tulare County recently, bringing the county-wide total to…
Agri View: Olives in Florida?
…“But it’s a new opportunity to reinvent ourselves after catastrophic losses to citrus greening.” Williams’s in-laws has been growing citrus for decades, part of the $10.7 billion industry that has…
Proposed ACP Quarantine Changes
Courtesy: UC ANR ACP Quarantines May Change in Future, Creating a Risk of Spreading the Pest Citrus leaders are holding meetings to discuss potential changes to future Asian citrus psyllid…
Citrus Industry This Week: HLB Funding and Research; CEU Article
Today’s issue of Citrus Industry This Week from Florida includes information on the latest HLB research funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture as well as an opportunity to earn…
HLB Bacteria Isolates Can Vary
…will help ramp up this research. More about the research From UC ANR: Because the pathogen that is associated with HLB doesn’t spread throughout infected citrus trees right away, selecting…
Identifying Vine Mealybug, A Growing Problem
…vine mealybug feeds predominantly on grapevines, although in other countries it can be a pest of fig, date palm, apple, avocado, citrus, and a few ornamentals. Because several different species…
The California Kitchen: Garlic Chicken Liver Pate with Orange Marmalade
In today’s California Kitchen, learn to cook amazing brandy garlic chicken liver pate with orange marmalade with The Untamed Chef, Albert J. Hernandez. Here’s what you’ll need: 2 T Citrus…