Organic Food Sales Continue to Grow

Taylor HillmanGeneral

Organic food sales in the U.S. were estimated at $37 billion dollars last year. The Nutrition Business Journal says organic sales accounted for five percent of overall food sales in…

Agri View: Direct Marketing

DanAgri View, General

…the produce. Direct marketing of farm products through farmers markets continues to be an important sales outlet for agricultural producers nationwide. As of National Farmers Market Week, (the first full…

Agri View: The Computer Age

DanAgri View, Technology

…Todd, eHow Contributor Farming practices today hardly resemble those of a generation ago. Gone is the simple tractor and combine. Farming today is about using advanced technologies to maximize crop…

Agri View: Golf Course Farming?

DanAgri View, General

…Goods sales are holding relatively steady except for golf (and hunting, but mostly golf); retail sales in the company’s Golf Galaxy stores were down more than 10 percent last year….

Marijuana Sales

DanAgri View, General, Specialty Crops

Everett Griner talks about spending on marijuana sales threatening our food supply and food budgets in today’s Agri View. Marijuana vs Food Sales From: Forbes America’s 2015 Marijuana Sales Higher…